


                                  The 18-credit university-wide undergraduate minor in sustainability consists of an interdisciplinary set of course offerings. Students choose courses from two or more of their college’s  existing sustainability course offerings in one of three tracks, that we call the Matrix of Options. The program allows students from many areas of study to explore the challenges of sustainability and develop their understanding of the economics, science, and equity issues involved in local and global sustainability. The minor helps students prepare for a career in sustainability. The minor draws upon disciplines of study across the university. Advising for the minor is currently available in Anthropology, Engineering Technology and Management departments.




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                                  Sustainability is a very important discipline in the present days. Big companies invest thousands in the development of clean technologies to be more competitive. Skills in sustainability allow students to be more prepared and competitive when seeking jobs. Sustainability is present in politics, economics and, philosophy and other social sciences as well as the engineering field. Students with skills in sustainability will be able to work in civic planning, environmental consultancy, agriculture, corporate strategies, health assessment and planning, and even into decision making and law. Entry level jobs are growing more and more and the opportunities for these type of students will be very big. Studies in sustainability in this era look very good in the resume and individuals with these type of skills are what companies are looking for to hire.





                                  Sustainability unites civic engineering with social sciences and environmental science with the new technologies and upcoming technologies.

                                  The word sustainability means the reduction of carbon emissions, renewable fuel sources, and protecting environments. Basically sustainability looks for the protection of natural environment and to ensure a health quality life for humans. Since this a growing requirement, a master’s will not be required for most jobs as bachelor’s programs (and in some cases lower than this) prepares people for a career in sustainability. Now we know the importance of 一兔子的加速器 and education has for our lives and for the environment.