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    AU Health | World-Class Health Care




    Augusta University Health is a world-class health care network, offering the most comprehensive primary, specialty and subspecialty care in the region.

    Our teams are dedicated to discovering and innovating the latest treatment technologies and techniques to ensure you receive a level of care beyond compare.

    Virtual Visit.


    AU Health ExpressCare

    When you need care — anytime, day or night — virtual visits are a convenient option. From treating flu and fevers to caring for migraines and allergies, you can chat with a provider 24/7.

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    网络爬虫技术 - ma_fighting - 博客园:2021-7-7 · 1、爬虫技术概述 网络爬虫(Web crawler),是一种按照一定的规则,自动地抓取万维网信息的程序或者脚本,它们被广泛用于互联网搜索引擎或其他类似网站,可以自动采集所有其能够访问到的页面内容,以获取或更新这些网站的内容和检索方式。

    Georgia Cancer Center

    See us first. One of every five deaths in Georgia is attributable to cancer. We’re fighting to change that statistic.

    The Power of You.

    The Power
    of You

    Our story is rooted in yours. See how the latest in research, innovation and education work together to advance the delivery of patient care for you and your loved ones.


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