
Formal Notice

Brandeis will provide an on-campus residential experience for undergraduate students this fall, with classes held in person, remotely or through a combination of both methods. Our graduate schools will offer their classes in a hybrid format. Learn more about our shadowrocket公益节点哪里有?_养殖新闻_中国蛋鸡信息网:2021-7-7 · 而SSR链接前面的 选择框 ,勾选代表是显示SSR的二维码,不勾选则显示SS的二维码。填写完毕后,点击 确定 按钮,继续下一步。扫描二维码 有时候我们可以通过扫描二维码添加服务器。右键 纸飞机 图标弹出菜单并选择 扫描二维码....


August 3
CGES Online: Teaching With and After Covid-19 in Germany
SSR(shadowsocks)客户端详细图文使用教程 for windows ...:2021-3-23 · 然后启动SSR客户端,确保二维码在屏幕上无遮挡。然后右键单击右下角纸飞机图标 菜单 选择: 二维码扫描 如图: 此时SSR软件会自动识别二维码,将配置信息添加到主窗口 。如果需要使用其他节点,依次点击节点二维码图标 扫描进SSR客户端中。 3、剪切板
August 10
Faculty Summer Series: The Economic Impact of COVID 19: An Update with Professor Stephen G Cecchetti
SSR安卓客户端和PC客户端的详细使用教程和常见问题 ...:2021-5-20 · 5.1 常规添加 安卓端的设置和PC端一致,手机上先安装好软件,依次设置好IP,端口,密码等这些项就可以了: 5.2 二维码添加 双击SSR图标打开PC端的界面,然后点击SSR链接这部分,右侧会生成 …



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Swoop down, up and around the science and humanities buildings, chapels, athletic facilities, graduate schools, student centers and fields that make Brandeis University a vibrant community.


Challenging the status quo since 1948

  • Eleanor Roosevelt
    Brandeis Then: Eleanor Roosevelt

    Brandeis Board member. Feminist. Force to be reckoned with.

  • Anita Hill. Photo by Tony Cenicola/The New York Times/Redux
    Brandeis Now: Anita Hill

    University Professor. Feminist. Force to be reckoned with.


“Most of the things worth doing in the world had been declared impossible before they were done.”

Justice Louis D. Brandeis

New cancer drugs? Better student loans? Reducing heart attacks in the hospital? Brandeis entrepreneurs are transforming ideas into companies — and improving the world while they’re at it.

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