• Faithlife Sermons


        Thematic outlines

        Jump-start your sermon prep with thematic outlines covering everything from Genesis to Revelation.

        Premium sermon illustrations

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        Find illustrations on influence, evangelism, commitment, and more from Premium contributor Jim L. Wilson, professor of leadership formation and the director of the doctor of ministry program at Golden Gate Baptist Theological Seminary.

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        Find the perfect art for your church media needs—like motion graphics, announcement slides, sermon art, series backgrounds, and stock photography. New images are added every month.

        Celebrating Black History
        7 items
        2 items
        Chips and Salsa
        2 items
        Water Scenery
        Topical sermon starters

        Find Bible verses, images, quotes, and sermons by sermon topic to jump-start your next sermon.

        Scripture, quotes, and media for themes like family, vision, conversion, and more.

        Sermon resources

        Find curated thematic outlines, media, and illustrations around the Church calendar and season.

        Browse resources for the upcoming lectionary,安卓免费fq工具, and sermon categories.