Sami Davies

Sami Davies
Math Ph.D. Student
Offices: PDL C-404 & CSE2 351
I'm a Ph.D. student at the University of Washington, where I work between the Department of Mathematics and the theory group in the Allen School. I'm advised by Thomas Rothvoss.

Before coming to UW, I earned my B.S. from Carnegie Mellon University and then my M.S. from the University of Illinois at Chicago.


Jun 22

I’m starting a summer internship at Microsoft Research next week.
Seattle summers are July–September :)

Jun 18

Happy to be receiving a Microsoft Research Dissertation Grant!

Apr 27

New paper on scheduling jobs with precedence constraints and communication delays.

Mar 25

I’m co-teaching win10搭建ssr during the apocalyptic Spring 2020 quarter.
If you haven’t read the MaddAddam Trilogy, now’s the time.

Feb 5

Attending the Dagstuhl Seminar on Scheduling mid-February. Is there vegan food in Germany, or will I be surviving on beer for a week?

Jan 20

I’ll be escaping the Seattle rain to hang out at ITA in San Diego February 5-7.

Jan 7

Attending my first SODA this week in Salt Lake City.
Saw a ton of Buffalo at Antelope Island, and the mole at Red Iguana– holy mole so good.

Sep 28

Our work on the Santa Claus problem has been accepted for presentation at SODA 2020.

Sep 20

搭建程序员开发环境 - 山上有风景 - 博客园:2021-10-19 · Vultr搭建SSR教程[小白新手必看](租用国外服务器Vultr) 二:远程登陆服务器,进行配置服务器 (一)在Vultr官网配置(如推文),开启服务器 (二)putty远程登陆服务器端 1.下载putty软件 2.查看刚刚开启的服务器属性


This week, I’ll be heading to FCRC in Phoenix.
Whose idea was it to have this is in Phoenix in June??

Apr 20

用 VPS 搭建一个自己的 SSR 服务器 | TRHX'S BLOG:2021-3-31 · 搭建 SSR 我们购买的是虚拟的服务器,因此需要工具远程连接到 VPS,如果是 Mac/Linux 系统,可以直接在终端用 SSH 连接 VPS ... 如果是 Windows 系统,可以用第三方工具连接到 VPS,如:Xshell、Putty 等,可以百度下载,以下以 Xshell ...


Trace Reconstruction

I’ve studied generalizations of the trace reconstruction problem on trees. I’m interested in exploring similar statistical reconstruction problems.

Hypergraph Matching

Finding perfect matchings in bipartite hypergraphs is, in general, NP-hard. However, when the edges of a hypergraph satisfy certain expansion conditions, it becomes possible to study the problem algorithmically. I’m interested in studying these sufficient conditions, specifically as they relate to allocation problems.


SSR for Android简明教程 | Acuario:2021-10-22 · 简明教程系列: Shadowrocket 简明教程 ShadowsocksR 简明教程 在网上看到的软件配置教程都不够满意,特此成文帮助使用 shadowsocks-rss for Android 的朋友快速上手。
Arxiv, April 2020
Reconstructing Traces from Trees
A Tale of Santa Claus, Hypergraphs and Matroids
SODA 2020, July 2018
Algorithms for finding knight's tours on Aztec diamonds
Involve, a Journal of Mathematics, May 2017



I’m a certified yoga instructor, and I completed by 200 RYT in the summer of 2019. I teach yoga classes at UW.


I run a lot. I really like to run. Often it’s with Race Condition Running, which is open to anyone who’d like to join us!

Inclusivity & Engagement