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    Scientists are deploying this state-of-the-art X-ray crystallography facility to study biological molecules related to the COVID-19 pandemic.
    国外赛风软件 - 好运百科(www.haoyunbaike.com):2021-6-25 · 话题:赛风叁连接上了 怎么还是上不了外国的网站? 推荐回答:有免费绿色代理 软件 试用,需要留邮箱或私信。 话题:在国内的时候手机装了 赛风 卸载之后在 国外 wifi网络...
    A pioneer in developing methods for cryogenic electron microscopy, he directs two joint facilities for cryo-EM research and development on the SLAC campus.
    Photo of Professor Wah Chui with a cryo-electron micrcoscope
    Marking the beginning of the LCLS-II era, the first phase of the major upgrade comes online.
    new undulator hall
    New research could offer insights into the formation of planets like Earth and inform the design of...
    Iron impact header
    A proposed device could expand the reach of X-ray lasers, opening new experimental avenues in biolog...
    x-ray laser oscillator
    Researchers have invented a way to slide atomically-thin layers of 2D materials over one another to...
    Illustration of experimental technology that stores data by shifting atomically thin layers of metal
    They discovered the messy environment of a chemical reaction can actually change the shape of a cata...
    Illustration of catalyst nanoparticle and car with exhaust emissions