How is your organization handling it?

We're taking steps internally to ensure we can support you during this crisis by:

business continuity plan illustration

Maintain a current Business Continuity Plan

sanitized work environment illustration

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Work from home illustration

Enable employees to work remotely

Office Distancing illustration

Institute Office Distancing policies

travel restriction illustration

No visitors to the office

travel restriction illustration

Encourage employees to self-educate using online resources (WHO)

travel restriction illustration

Restrict travel—all non-essential travel is forbidden

To learn more, we encourage you to visit our COVID-19 Resource Library.

Visit Resource Center 

Avetta Cost Savings Calculator

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For Procurement, Safety and Sustainability professionals seeking to improve their supplier prequalification process.

Start Here

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For Suppliers, Contractors and Vendors who are responding to a client request for registration.

Register Here

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Avetta’s expertise is contractor management services. When you hire a contractor, you want to know they have the qualifications you need—the experience, the workforce, the certifications. With Avetta’s software you can find all the information you need to manage your supply chain in one central, customizable location, instead of having to gather it from several departments.


What We Do

Avetta is more than software, more than connecting information. We connect people and companies. Through our contractor management services and prequalification services, we’ve built up an extensive network of pre-vetted supply chain partners to match to your needs.


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Risks can come at you from any direction, or many directions at once. That’s why managing supply risk takes a multi-faceted approach.

For covering your bases, here are nine tactics to take when managing supply chain risk:


Identify your risk exposure by taking a free risk assessment and performing km810cm快猫破解


Prioritize your risks by the probability they will occur. Factor in the financial and brand impact you’ll experience if the risk is realized.


Prequalify each of your suppliers by critiquing their quality of goods, materials sourcing, and financial stability.


Establish diversified suppliers from various global locations.


Plan for risks. Involve your suppliers, transportation carriers, data management centers, and customers in the discussions.


Verify and monitor insurance coverage both for yourself and your suppliers.


Have a transparent supply chain. Share sales projections and forecasts with your suppliers.


Analyze your data regularly and in real‑time.


Use supply chain management software to help you accomplish these tasks.

Though it seems like a lot to do, your business simply can’t take the chance of having a mismanaged supply chain.


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Supply chain risk management is important because even one simple glitch can disrupt the entire end-to-end process. Simply getting a product or service to market is hard enough, but if something goes awry, the fallout is great.

Some of the serious implications of a supply chain disruption are:

Safety Hazards to Workers

Decrease in quality or quantity of output

Regulatory compliance citations


Lower customer satisfaction


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We're proud to help our customers on their journey to grow long-term environmental, social and economic value throughout their supply chains.

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Are your suppliers safe, insured, financially stable and sustainable? Do they meet your compliance criteria?

Test your supply chain visibility using our online Risk Assessment App.

Start Free Assessment



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Our new organization brings together more than three decades of experience in making industries safer and more sustainable.

Read More

Stay Connected. Stay Informed.


Risk2 (1)

Will I Need to do a Risk Assessment on Every Job?

With health and safety laws continually changing and improving, people should be aware of the requirements of companies to eliminate risks to health and safety so far as is reasonably practicable.
News / Press



Avetta, the leading provider of supply chain risk management, received a Readers’ Choice Award from Canadian Occupational Safety in the contractor management solutions category. This is the third year the company is being honored by readers of the magazine.


Slavery and human trafficking, as depicted in literature, movies and academic research, makes us believe we will know how to prevent this type of injustice. Read our latest white paper now.


Business Continuity: Defining the New Normal for Building Resilience into your Supply Chains

Global supply chain disruptions have forced businesses to review their supply chains and existing contingency plans to meet the demands of COVID-19 while planning for recovery.