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ESC Congress 2020 Register
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Due to COVID-19, the ESC is now reviewing all upcoming events on a case-by-case basis.
  • August 2020
    • ESC Congress 2020 - The Digital Experience
      Saturday 29 August
      ESC event

      This is expected to be the largest online gathering of cardiovascular professionals the world has ever seen. ESC Congress, once again, will be a celebration of discovery; a celebration of science.

      29/08/2020 00:00 01/09/2020 00:00 Europe/Paris ESC Congress 2020 - The Digital Experience

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      European Society of Cardiology true DD/MM/YYYY
  • 好的梯子软件
    • ESC Digital Week
      Friday 09 October
      ESC event

      三款安卓ios好用的梯子软件稳定速度快要科学上网哦-茶馆 ...:三款安卓ios好用的梯子软件 稳定速度快要科学上网哦 茶馆 首页 最新帖子 签到 搜索 登录 茶馆 三款安卓ios好用的梯子软件稳定速度快要科学上网哦 三款安卓ios好用的梯子软件稳定速度快要科学上网哦 ...

      09/10/2020 00:00 10/10/2020 00:00 Europe/Paris ESC Digital Week

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      European Society of Cardiology true DD/MM/YYYY
  • November 2020
    • 好的梯子软件
      求一个好用的电脑上的梯子 啊 谢谢啊免费的_好运百科:2021-9-25 · 话题:求一个pc端梯子,要免费的。 问:求一个pc端梯子,要免费的。好用的,谢谢,可私信我 推荐回答:有免费好用的PC端ti子,私不了,提交不了。需要楼主留个邮箱,直接发你。话题:求一个pc端的梯子免费的 谢谢啦 推荐回答:有PC端免费的,楼主留邮箱给送。
      各位大佬求推荐好用的梯子 - 网络技术(Networking)版 - 北大 ...:2021-1-31 · 求各位大佬推荐好用的梯子 ! 签名档 回帖 回信 转载 转寄 收入文集 发表于2021-02-01 08:53:44 楼主 ttsszz [离线] 脆 3.2 中级站友 发帖数: 294 原创分: 0 关注 <ASCIIArt ...

      The Heart Team Course - focus on transcatheter therapies for valvular heart disease #PCRLV

      22/11/2020 00:00 24/11/2020 00:00 好的梯子软件 PCR London Valves 2020

      Access event page

      London - United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland European Association of Percutaneous Cardiovascular Interventions true 好的梯子软件

ESC Congress 2020 - The Digital Experience, 29 August to 1 September

Clear your calendar and secure your days off for the online event of the year


Be the first to hear the very latest science and ask your questions to key opinion leaders in studios in Europe and far beyond.

Discover more than 4,000 abstract presentations, new ESC Guidelines, and Hot Lines, during the most engaging presentations.

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Pre-registration through your My ESC account is mandatory however.


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Find a selection of educational products, including webinars, online courses, clinical cases and resources, designed to help diversify your CME Activities online.

European Heart Journal

Subscribers have direct access to the table of contents of the European Heart Journal, which as the official general cardiology journal of the ESC publishes the highest quality material, both clinical and scientific, on all aspects of cardiovascular medicine.
01 Aug 2020
Frontiers in valvular heart disease: outcomes of novel percutaneous procedures
Author(s):Lüscher T.
01 Aug 2020
The ESC Working Group on Cardiovascular Regenerative and Reparative Medicine
Author(s):Sanz-Ruiz R, , Janssens S, et al.
01 Aug 2020
The Canadian Cardiovascular Society
Author(s):Krahn A.
01 Aug 2020
Aortic stenosis and amyloid heart disease: ‘the 2A dangerous liaisons’
Author(s):Mohty D, Pibarot P, Damy T.