


Gianforte Farm products are available year round in the Cazenovia, Syracuse, and Hamilton, New York areas. For retail we package 2 and 5 pound bags for each product. Orders of 50 pounds or more receive bulk discounts. All our products can be picked up at our farm.  

Out of the Central New York area?   We are happy to explore creative ways to get our products to you at the lowest cost possible.

Call or email for pricing and availability.


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-Sidehill Farmers Butcher Shop 315 Fayette St.  Manlius          Mon - Fri 10-7, Sat 9-4

-Grow NYC stand at the New York City Union Square Greenmarket AND McCarren Park Green Point in Brooklyn, both on Saturday's year-round.


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For milling inquiries: Phone: 315-877-1742

For all other inquiries: Phone: 315-877-1328