

ABA Journal
August 1


The American Lawyer
July 29


The Washington Post
July 28



NALP Joins Its Members in Fighting Racism

NALP calls on its members to join with the association in fighting racism in the legal profession and in American society, in redoubling our efforts to provide greater access, support, and development opportunities for law students and lawyers of color, and particularly in committing to greater efforts to support and promote the careers of Black law students and lawyers.

NALP Pulse Surveys Show Ongoing COVID Impact

On July 15 NALP released the results of the second round of "pulse" surveys on the impact of COVID-19 on law firms and law schools, with the most notable findings being that half of law firm offices have not yet determined their Class of 2020 first-year associate start dates and nearly half of law schools reported Class of 2020 graduates with rescinded employment offers. The third round of pulse surveys will launch later this month.


Members can find information and register for these events on the Virtual Town Hall page.

NALP Celebrates 50 Years

For 50 years NALP has believed in fairness, facts, and the power of a diverse community. NALP will be celebrating this milestone throughout 2020 and leading up to the 2021 Annual Education Conference, which is scheduled for April 27-30 in Scottsdale, AZ.

NALP believes in fairness, facts and the power of a diverse community.

We work every day to be the best career services, recruitment, and professional development organization in the world because we want the lawyers and law students we serve to have an ethical recruiting system, employment data they can trust, and expert advisers to guide and support them in every stage of their careers

Learn More


NALP Directory of Legal Employers PSJD


NALP's job board is designed to better serve members and non-members seeking to fill positions in legal career services, legal recruitment, professional development, and related fields.



National Association for Law Placement, Inc.® (NALP®)
1220 19th Street NW, Suite 401, Washington, DC 20036-2405
(202) 835-1001
© Copyright 2020 NALP


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